How do i respond?

We must pray for the sick and the scared, for public health officials, for doctors and nurses, for researchers, and for caregivers. As Christians, we believe prayer has power, so we seek help from the Lord.

Viral disease is a fact of biological existence and part of creation. Keeping perspective and not panicking apply here, just as they do for all risks we face as creatures in a finite world. No matter how dire circumstances get, the Lord remains our refuge and strength, “an ever-present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). To trust in the Lord amid trouble is to experience and bear witness to the power of Christ. 

We’re following a reliable list of information for educational, planning, and management purposes.

 CDC on COVID-19: The US Center for Disease Control’s up-to-date resources on coronavirus.
 CDC Resources for Community and Faith-Based Organizations: The CDC has also created resources specifically for faith-based organizations to respond to influenza pandemic, which are applicable in this situation. As a church, we’re implementing this guidance.
 Managing Anxiety Around Coronavirus Coverage: The American Psychological Association created this resource to help manage anxiety around coverage of COVID-19.
 Addressing Mental Health Issues: This resource from the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network provides guidelines for addressing mental health issues that may arise, and offers advice for messaging, including among children, older adults, people with disabilities, and those in quarantine. 

There are many organizations working hard to support the growing needs in our city.

We’re proud to partner with Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster and Boulder Valley School District efforts. We have a outreach team that is working hard to make sure every need in the city is met. The team is buying groceries daily to deliver to elderly and families in need.

There are 2 ways you can be involved. You can join the outreach team below or you can give.

Submit a need

If you have a need that we are unaware of. Submit any needs below and the outreach team

will reach out to you within 24 hours.